If you knew when the bells would toll for thee... what would you do? How would you behave? What are some of the things that everyone would love to do, but refrain from because they're either bad or just plain ugly? Well, I'm sure you can think of so many things that you would do if you were living on borrowed time...
10. Spend Time With Family
Spend as much time with the folks, siblings, spouse, and children as possible, every moment is precious and you should capitalize on the opportunity. Ever wondered where your long lost sibling went? What about your biological parents? Why not try to seek out your family tree?
9. Travel Around The World
Visit the 7 Wonders of the World, travel to every continent once, climb Mount Everest, live the Mardi Gras experience, blow all your money at Las Vegas, see the sunrise from Easter Island, get on Survivor or better yet, give in to Temptation on your favorite Island . For some real soul-searching, live alone for a while atop a mountain.
8. Tie Up All Loose Ends
Revenge, sweet revenge. Whether you wish to tell off your ex, shout at your boss for firing you, or intend on getting back at the dude who stole your girlfriend in sixth grade, do what you must because if you thought regret was bad in life, it only gets worse in eternity. Tell the person you hate the most in the world what you really think of them, but by the token, let everyone you love know that you love them. Apologize to everyone you should apologize to before it's too late and tell everyone you've hurt that you're sorry... or not.
7. Give Back
Volunteer, help, give; be unselfish. Do something truly good and genuinely selfless that will never disappear from earth: plant a tree, start a charity fund, rescue whales. At least you will be remembered positively when you leave this world, but more importantly, your legacy will live on.
6. Live your dreams
Whatever it is, whatever it will take, just do it because no one will question why you did it -- only you will be left wondering why if you don't. Whether you wish to party until you drop or celebrate life's offerings, just do it and do not look back
5. Become A Millionaire
Make a million dollars the old way by printing it, or better yet, break a sweat for it in order to truly appreciate it. Blow some of it away, give most away to charity -- just leave some for the will. Take a page out of Robin Hood's book: challenge banks, governments and the rich to match your contribution, hey, it's for a good cause after all.
4. Use Your Power
Always wanted to abuse your power? Fire someone, tell others off, be the jerk that you have seen others be but never dared to be. Stoop down to their level for once and don't think twice about it. Let others shake in their boots when they hear you coming.
3. Find Yourself An Enemy
It's showdown time. Have you ever wanted to show others what you could accomplish when your back was against the wall? Don't you wish that you lived in Ancient Times just so you could give your nemesis a shellacking ? Unleash your fury and instill the fear of a lifetime into those that dare stand in your way and doubt what you can do.
2. Live With No Shame
Put Dionysus, the Greek god of lust and debauchery to shame. Have a threesome or two, beat Wilt Chamberlain's record (you know which one I'm talking about), and move from country to country to be with different women. Have sex in public and don't give a second thought to the repercussions. Get to celebrate the New Year like only you can.
1. Push The Envelope
Have a bullfight dressed in red, then go swimming with a Great White shark after you marinate yourself in steak juice. If you are still alive after that, go bungee jumping, enjoy a helicopter ride, fly a plane, and then parachute out of one... but leave the parachute at home...
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