Memory improvement can be achieved in two ways: 1) by improving the health of your brain, and 2) using memory skills. These are easier to do than you might think, but you have to make the effort. Here are few of the great memory improvement tips on this site:
Stay Sharp with Brain Games. Keeping your memory sharp can be fun. There are over 75 free brain games on this site you can play anytime you want. These games help improve memory, attention, concentration, and more. Believe it or not, I've even added a free version of Dual N-Back, the only brain game proven to raise IQ!
Maybe It's a Sleep Problem... It's amazing how poor sleep can hurt your memory. If you have trouble sleeping at night or simply are not getting enough hours of sleep, it could be causing your memory problems. Check out the Sleep and Memory page for great tips on getting more sleep and better sleep.
Fish Oil - The New Memory Fix. Do you or someone you know have problems concentrating? An Omega-3 deficiency sometimes causes this problem, because modern diets often don't provide enough of this nutrient. In one study in Britain, school children with poor concentration and memory who received Fish Oil vitamins showed a big improvement in behavior and school performance. Read more about the many benefits of fish oil supplements.
Grow New Brain Cells. Amazingly, it is possible to grow new brain cells (neurons) in the memory center of your brain. According to research, intense aerobic exercise (such as running, biking, etc.) stimulates the growth of cells in the brain's hippocampus.
Memorize Like Never Before. The Memory Systems collection, a special group of memory techniques based on mental visualization and association, is the real miracle that most people have never heard of. Use these methods to memorize lists, definitions, reading material, phone numbers, people's names, mathematical formulas, or virtually any other type of information.
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